Xcom Long War Easy Mode

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Material.OverviewThis explanation of the DefauItGameCore.ini (DGC.lNI) file is straight based on the twine in the Néxus XCOM Mod Talk discussion board. All credits to him for the initial edition of this page which essentially kicked off the beginning of the organized modding process for XC0M:EU 2012.The DGC.INI file is discovered in the XComGaméConfig folder. This is certainly identified as the 'shed' file.

  1. Xcom Long War Easy Mode Games

There will be also a duplicate stuck ('cooked') into the sport executable file XComGame.EXE, which is usually component of what will be known as the source cache. By default the video game only uses certain configurations from the loose document, and most mods must alter the stuck version. It has now been discovered how to force the video game to make use of the entirety of the DGC.INI rather of the source cache copy. (Notice the section.)Many commonly sought tweaks to the video game people have requested assist with are usually made to the DGC.INI file, and right now are noted in the write-up. That content and this should end up being your very first halts when looking to create any modification you think should be 'easy or easy'.Programs and ToolsAny plaintext editor (like Notepad, but not Write) is usually sufficient. Additional tools talked about in may end up being useful but are not required.XCOM Config (INI) data files(From the Nexus Mod Chat Forum line.)Most video games since the discharge of Home windows Vista create stuff into My Video games because the game folder itself is frequently in System Data files which the Home windows OS today makes inaccessible to change for protection factors.resides in thé My GamesXCOM Foe (Unknown/Within)XComGameConfig folder.

It is a reflection copy of the DefaultGameCore.ini document discovered in the sport config folder: XCOM - Enemy UnknownXEWXComGameConfig. (Notice that EW data files are located under thé XEW folder thát is definitely added to the XCOM - Foe Unknown folder when that extension is included.) Producing modifications to XComGameCore.ini won't function because the primary DefaultGameCore.ini document would overwrite it at game release.The file similarly should end up being getting mirrored into the document in the My Video games folder.

Cinematic Mode: XCOM units are significantly more accurate during tactical combat. All soldiers and SHIVs get +15 to hit in all cases. 12: Diminishing Returns: The cost of satellites increases with everyone which is build. This has been changed compared to vanilla in two ways, making it slightly more reasonable for Long War. Aug 25, 2014  long war to easy hello i have come from ps3 xcom enemy within and i have installed long war, but i am finding the first mission extremely easy on brutal difficulty, i.m getting 2 overwatch hits in a row, i'm hitting alot of 20% shots, and the aliens are missing me even when flanked.

Capabilities and properties are used by both the soldiers and aliens, and their weaponry. For instance, the harm and offense bonus deals for strange varieties of PIasma weapons are takén from the Humán/Standard variety óf plasma weapons.At the.g. Putting eWPAssault on eItemPlasmaLightRifleFloater will get the iDamage ánd iOffenseBonus from eltemPlasmaLightRifle and after that use the Invasion class limitation property or home for Floaters, which in convert will make Floaters possess that course' long range aim fees, and individual shotguns rifles.Be on the watch for these kinds of unintended indirect results. It will be also possible to offer skills and properties for which there are no suitable animations, and the video game will suspend or crash.Obscure Real estate results. A weapon doesn'testosterone levels need the eWPRifle real estate to end up being in the main weapon slot. ItemSize seems to determine this. A tool with no house and size Big will take the main weapon slot.A tool with no home and dimension Little will occupy an stock slot (same as grenades ánd medikits) and thérefor will be useless as a tool.A tool with the eWPPistol house will take the gun slot, connected at the hip.

If it's size will be Little, it'beds alright. If it's Large, it will appear as properly as a primary weapon, enabling you to bring the exact same weapon twice. Once you change to the supplementary one, they both merge into one tool visually, but it still works okay. The image of the tool changed into gun will end up being a bit incorrect and appearing always full of ammo when that weapon is chosen, but changing it to the ready weapon will show it properly.The eWPHeavy residence makes:. a tool accessible to the Weighty course, unless it also offers the eWPRifle property, in which case the last mentioned takes precedence.

Xcom Long War Easy Mode Games

can make the weapon's ammo final for 3 rounds (before ammo preservation project is definitely investigated) rather of 4. makes the weapon use the Heavy course AIMCLIMB reward. It can be provided to nonresident weapons to maké them have tó reload more oftén.The eWPAssault property or home can be given to any weapon, including strange weapons, ánd it makes:. thé tool available to Strike class.

the weapon use the ASSAULTAIMCLIMB reward and fees.The eWPSupport house can make a weapon available to the Assistance class, and it doesn't have any AIMCLIMB setting, therefore a weapon belonging to just Support course will have got constant aim.eWPSniper makes the tool accessible to the Sniper course and can make it utilizes the SNIPERAIMCLIMB environment.Simple Data-Structure TempIatesArmors=(. ), Characters=(. ), and Wéapons=(. Revise: Discover the Enabling INI Launching access in Current Discoveries area.First enables appearance at the UNIT bonus Charges desk, which is certainly laid out Iike this:.

BalanceModsEasy=(éType=eCharNone, iDamage=0, iCritHit=0, iAim=0, iDefense=0, iHP=0, iMobility=0, iWill=0)Each Setting offers its own separate desk, specified by BalanceModsEASY, NORMAL, HARD, or CLASSIC. Each desk has an entry for every Device type specified by eType=eCharUNITTYPENAME, then implemented by the bonus's and charges applied to that unit. If you appear back at the Personas section, you can notice what each stat will, what the Foundation is usually for that stat, and after that discover how the bonus/penalty will result that unit. All of these configurations should become self expIanatory but if théy are usually not you can guide back to my previous explanations of what each stat will and figure it out from there.Be aware: Can and Flexibility alteration on difficulty balance for military doesn't seems to work correctly occasionally, need more test.Next you have got a small section working with soldiers level up reward's which is definitely put down out very first by record the Can increases that all troops get upon leveling, and after that showing what each individual class will get at each position.

Notice that this is NOT damaged down to problems modes, so no issue what problems you play at your military will generally make use of the exact same tables for stat development. Very first I'll cover the May increase, listed at thier defauIt values:. iRandWillIncrease=6 (This can be the arbitrary amount of may every enthusiast benefits upon progressing up, shown as the quantity 6 to imply 1 to 6. Evidently there are hard-coded stat-increases described per course, which are usually after that overwritten in the 'default' situation of the switch(class) declaration.However, the arbitrary stat increases (selected via SW option Hidden Potential) are hard-coded, therefore are not really structured on any óf thé DGC.ini values. The ideals are designated in XGStrategySoldier.LevelUpStats.They crack down to this:. Horsepower: Heavy provides 60% possibility per level of +1 horsepower, all other classes possess 50%.

Purpose:Heavy: 0-2 aim per degree Invasion: 1-5 goal per level Assistance: 2-6 aim per degree Sniper: 3-9 goal per level. Move: Large offers 10% chance of +1 move, all additional classes have got 20%. Will is exact same as typical. iMobility = Gives additional movements factors at that rank.Noncitizen 'AIM' and 'CRIT' BonusesA typical request is usually to mod oné or both óf these nonresident bonuses. Here is definitely a basic treatment that should assist as a design for equivalent changes:. Download XCOMModHelper (or additional device that enables shed INI document launching). Up-date: Observe the Enabling INI Loading access in Latest Discoveries area.Internally BALANCE Modes translate to Sport DIFFICULTY environment as foIlows:BALANCE ModeGame DIFFICULTYEASYTutorialN0RMALNormalHARDClassicCLASSICImpossibleFunding Multiplier by BALANCE Mode / Video game DIFFICULTY.

FundingBalance=1.5; EASY/Guide. FundingBalance=1; Regular/Normal. FundingBalance=1; HARD/Common. FundingBalance=1; Basic/ImpossibleThe order in which those appear appears to end up being the only determining factor for their use, and it would appear that this setting only results the financing from nations with satellites. The funding you get from authorities tasks/abductions is usually handled somewhere else. This is certainly a MULTIPLIER so leaving behind it at 1 indicates you obtain DEFAULT funding, raising or reducing it indicates you get much less/more financing.

2 would end up being TWICE and.5 would be HALF.Next up can be the nation checklist, which provides 36 nations detailed as possible funding sources, but just 16 of which show up in game as becoming able of sending a satellite television to. Perhaps there are usually 36 for future DLC?

Or probably it has been completed for nation specific versions of the video game? You can conveniently edit these beliefs to become whatever you wish. Upgrade: See the Enabling INI Loading access in Recent Discoveries section.Psi XP Amounts are the XP needed to achieve each 'Position' of Psi Capabilities. None of them and Rank 1 require 0 Psi XP for apparent factors, and rank 'Volunteer' provides what shows up to be a environment designed to avoid anyone from actually getting that very much from Psi XP solely. There are usually only 3 RANKS constructed into the sport.

Volunteer is certainly a position instead than a position.Psi XP Ranges (None of them, 1, 2, 3, Volunteer). miPsiXPLevels=0. miPsiXPLevels=0. miPsiXPLevels=50. miPsiXPLevels=120. miPsiXPLevels=10000000Soldier XP Amounts are usually the quantity of XP required to achieve each of the available ranks for your soldiers.

This is usually a very straight forwards setting that can become easily modified to make;your gift rank up slower/quicker.Gift XP Ranges (First year, Squaddie, Corporal, Sérgeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel). miSoldierXPLevels=0. miSoldierXPLevels=90. miSoldierXPLevels=300.

Xcom Long War Easy Mode

miSoldierXPLevels=510. miSoldierXPLevels=745. miSoldierXPLevels=1100. miSoldierXPLevels=1560. miSoldierXPLevels=2150ConstantsThese are the initialization values of variables that are usually used as 'constant beliefs' within the sport. 0027.91 DevHTTP: FHttpDownload resolve complete to: 0027.91 DevHTTP: FHttpDownload resolve complete to: 0027.91 DevHTTP: FHttpDownload deal with total to: 0028.15 DevHTTP: FHttpDownload::StateParsingHeader: Obtained unknown position program code 503 Web link: prod.xcom.firaxis.com:80/News.ashx 0028.19 DevHTTP: FHttpDownload::StateParsingHeader: Obtained unknown status code 503 URL:The posts designated like so are:.

The Machine IP deal with: The Server DNS Name: prod.xcom.firaxis.comThese are what you will place into the serves document to prevent tries to connect. Start Menus Right click on 'Notepad' (or any ), select 'Work as Supervisor'. Document Open %systemroot%program32driversetchosts. The owners file offers no '.'

Capital Ships include all Starships of Colossal (Frigate) Size or larger. Capital Ships usually carry hundreds, if not thousands of crewmembers and passengers, and some are large enough to house other Capital Ships within their hangar bays. Some very large transports and colony ships fall into this category, despite not being designed for combat. Venator-class Star Destroyers were the primary capital ship of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Ships of this class were typically designed for fleet warfare, often positioned in armadas stationed in high orbit around a strategic planet. They usually formed the primary attack groups in most fleets. Capital ship star wars. Although imposing, capital ships were also slow and ponderous in spaceflight. Due to this, the New Republic, following the Galactic Civil War, was able to, over time, pick off most of the Galactic Empire's capital ships by overwhelming them with smaller, nimbler vessels. Sub-capital ships were starships smaller than capital ships.

Suffix, so make certain you put on't increase.txt or anything else. Also,%systemroot% on most systems is definitely C:Windows, but the exact folder title may vary by OS edition. The worth of the worldwide%systemroot% on your program can end up being determined by getting into 'set' on the Home windows command range, or as it'h shortcut is definitely called, the. But the variable%systemroot% (like the pct '%' indications) can properly be used without understanding it't actual value. Include these three ranges to the website hosts file:(The 1st line is usually a remark. The next two ranges do the actual work, but are usually particular to XCOM:Enemy Mystery 2012. Various other video games may possess their personal DNS titles i.elizabeth.

Prod.xcom.firáxis.com and lP details i.at the. PatcherGUI (as of v5.2), part of the mod, includes options to 'Enable INI loading' and 'disable phoning home' for you. It can also find and open up the right config folder for you. Therefore, to set up INI modifications, one needs to select the proper game path (XCom or XCóm/XEW), 'enable lNI launching' and 'disable phoning home', and it will open the config folder and substitute the vanilla document with the revised one. This is definitely presently the suggested device if you perform not experience comfy hex editing yourself. It offers lately (20 Apr 2013) that the launcher will not check every UPK document, and that it uses a table in the executabIe to Iook-up the documents it checks. It after that comes anywhere close the hásh with thát in the companion '.uncompressedsize' document. Recent places windows 7 not working.

We didn't really have the time for it, though, so I asked for help. Mount and blade viking conquest strange ruins.

By basically transforming the titles of the UPK documents in this look-up desk so they are not recognized or found, it will gladly load regardless of any additional files hash. This seems to eliminate the need for removal of the partner '.uncompressedsize' document (which consequentially causes the game to make use of it't internally stored hash value) and XSHAPE (which updates the inner hash), or any some other hash repairing.Simply appear for the strings 'xcomgame.upk' ánd 'xcomstratégygame.upk' in the executabIe using a hex editor (like as HxD, connected below) and change them to some various other line. The current version of ToolBoks can be now making use of this technique on both of those documents, as nicely as 'xcomshell.upk'. Macintosh OSX customers need to make these adjustments to the Hashes.sha document in BinariesWin32, to the filenames located at 0x00D0-0x0120.NOTE: The Enemy Within (EW) extension does not consist of these UPK hash checks any longer, and does not need this area to read through in the loose decompressed versions of these files. The authentic EU EXE with plot 5 nevertheless does.The using is used from the records of the XCOMModHelper device obtainable at. A current (24 May 2013) makes it possible to drive the video game to insert the DGC.INI config file from the 'XComGameConfig' folder, thereby removing the want to make use of ModPatcher or create DGC.INI modifications to thé EXE at aIl, and avoiding the size limitation on the stuck file. (Find the entrance be aware on ModPatcher right here about dimension limitations.)Carry in thoughts: Loose INI documents get examine, and thus override mod modifications to the inner 'reference cache', after the sport EXE begins.Select your mods intelligently and with understanding.

Not really all will function together.These hex offsets are usually for EXE edition; patch 4, Changelist 356266, unless in any other case mentioned. In xcomgame.exe: beginning at place 0x157D93A. For Mac pc Operating-system XCOM Elite Copy: beginning at area 0x1D86A70. For Macintosh OSX Vapor version, patch 3 (January 8, 2013): starting at area 0x1E7E5E0. For Mac App Shop edition 1.0: around counteract 0x1BM58D0. Lookup for '72 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 2E 00 00 00 69 00 00 00 6E 00 00 00 69 00 00 00' (which will be 'ré.ini' in UTF32 Little-Endian).Notice that these strings are furthermore found as component of disabled debug code, at offset variety: 0x156BA new82-156BF38. For Mac pc App Shop edition 1.0.1: starting at 0x1D86B50.

If searching in a hex manager, appearance for '44 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 66 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 75 00 00 00 6C 00 00 00 74 00 00 00 47 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 6D 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 43 00 00 00 6F 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 2E 00 00 00 69 00 00 00 6E 00 00 00 69 00 00 00'. This is definitely 'DefaultGameCore.ini' in UTF32LE.If you modified version App Store edition 1.0, the App Shop will not upgrade the sport and you will require to delete it and ré-download. After modifying, the app will need to become code-signed, once again (as usual.).Get care with the location of the strings you disable. As generally, these places may alter after public game areas are launched.There are the three unicode text message strings.Back button.M.o.meters.H.a.michael.e.M.o.in.f.we.g.N.e.y.a.u.d.t.G.a.m.e.G.o.r.e.i.n.we.X.C.o.michael.G.a.michael.e.G.o.n.f.i.g.M.e.y.a.u.l.t.Michael.P.H.a.m.e.we.n.i actually.X.M.o.meters.H.a.meters.e.G.o.in.f.we.g.G.e.y.a.u.d.t.M.o.a.m.o.u.capital t.s.i.n.i. It shows up that these three strings are checked to observe which documents to NOT insert from the Config index. Change the initial chain to something eIse.

And behold: thé video game lots from the (DGC.INI) file in the ' XComGameConfig' website directory, actually if larger than the inlayed version.All the some other INI files are read through by default. Just these three have got to be modded to fill.This indicates that no longer are BALANCE Setting settings the just ones taking effect from the text message editable document in 'Config', and that extra items can end up being included to the DGC.INI file. Of the some other files explicitly denied from loading, (considered to be 'multiplayer' related), and (preliminary apparatus for lessons of Soldiers and Aliens), are usually similarly enabled in the same manner.Take note: The Foe Within (EW) extension seems to still require this plot to read in the loose INI data files. The initial European union EXE definitely still will.For directions on how to search for the over filenames as unicode strings, with screenshots, find the wiki post.Bear in mind: Search for the sticking with in hex modé for unicode ideals.The following patches are usually used from the records of the XCOMModHelper device available at. There shows up to be a minimum and maximum size to the mixed overall of the three INI data files that are prevented by default from becoming loaded by the video game engine:,. If the mixed total dimension of these three INIs can be either smaller sized or bigger than these limits, the sport received't fill (not a CTD) with the message: 'Been unsuccessful to begin game (app already working)'. This may utilize to the combined dimension of ALL INI data files, but offers not ended up examined nor possess the mixed minimums and maximums become driven.

(Find the discussion at.)However, interestingly this implies decreasing the dimension of one of these data files enables growing the dimension of another óf them by thé same quantity. There offers become some achievement with exploiting this for expanding the DGC.lNI, but there máy be other inspections that have not yet been identified. There seems to be an upper control to thé DGC.INI óf extremely close to 101648 bytes.Elevated Load Situations. This is usually a bought growth to XCOM:EU 2012, released in the Us on 12 Nov 2013. It installs to á XEW subfolder undér the primary XCOM install route. Most of the loose data files from European union are replicated in this subfolder, which means European union and EW are usually basically individual video games.

There is definitely some revealing of film (.BIK) data files. EW adds a launcher ápp XComLauncher.éxe in the XCóm-Enemy-UnknownXEWBinariesWin32 folder which is started by Vapor and offers the choice of which video game ( European union or EW) to start.The real sport executables this launcher works are:. XCom-Enémy-UnknownBinariesWin32XComGame.exe - launches Enemy Unknown. XCom-Enemy-UnknownXEWBinariésWin32XComEW.exe - starts Foe WithinEW no more makes a hash check of the pressurized UPK documents. So they can basically become decompressed and will end up being used after change once the associated.uncompressedsize documents are taken out.However, the mod to pressure the video game to make use of the loose XEWXCOMGameConfigDefaultGameCore.ini file is still needed. Hex edit thé XComEW.EXE document as comes after:Discover: (i.at the. Key can be the 58 in the final collection)25 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 49 00 6e 00 69 00 72 00 73 00 69 00 6f 00 6e 00 00 00 00 002e 00 2e 00 5c 00 2e 00 2e 00 5c 00 58 00 43 00Replace: (i.age.

Replace the 58 in the final line with 57.)25 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 49 00 6e 00 69 00 72 00 73 00 69 00 6f 00 6e 00 00 00 00 002e 00 2e 00 5c 00 2e 00 2e 00 5c 00 57 00 43 00EWatts Update server (i.elizabeth. HOSTS document):. prod.xcom-ew.firaxis.com. 'phone home' places revise the XComGamecore.INI document in config/loc on video game start, and are usually required in add-on to the items for EU. However, earlier reports that disabling these contacts cause the sport to freeze are today attributed to other causes, like as not really disabling 'auto-updates'. Fog up Synching of save video game files nevertheless works with these tackles handicapped. (While occasionally referred to as 'the quiet patching system', so considerably there can be no proof that these computers are involved in real adjustments to the sport program code.

They still appear to just restore specific vanilla documents included in Multiplayer games, which can disturb mods coming in contact with those exact same files.)The EW 'phone home' contact information seem to only upgrade XComGameCore.lNI in My GamesXC0M - Enemy WithinXComGameLogsEMS at this time.Increasing/Replacing FunctionsIn early Dec 2013, wghost81 found out it had been feasible to change the UPK Bundle information so the game would use an expanded or substitution function of any size. This frees the mod creator from the limitation of maintaining their program code changes to within the unique byte dimension limitations of the vanilla functionality, as well as delivering the possibility to add new features exclusive to your own mods. Discover the Hex editing and enhancing UPK files article entry for details.ReferencesReferred to by this write-up:.That refer tó this article:.

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